Global Missions


The Global Missions Team (GMT) exists to glorify God by supporting the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; and Acts 1:8). We do this by facilitating opportunities to serve in God’s call to missions and through sound stewardship of resources God has entrusted to Calvary to implement our missions programs. The Global Missions Team is always striving to create deeper connections between our local church and career missionaries around the world to support their valued work where God has called them to serve.


International Student Ministries

International Student Ministries Canada (ISMC) focuses solely on ministering to international students, empowering them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus, reaching out and ministering to those God has placed in their lives, whether in Canada or their home country.

Cedar Home - Lebanon

Cedar Home is a Christian home for abandoned newborns, orphaned and disadvantaged Syrian, Palestinian, and Iraqi refugees, and stateless girls in Lebanon. The Home provides spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social supports so that these girls can fulfill their highest potential, preparing them to enter society, the workplace, and marriage as mature, independent individuals

(519) 824-1161
454 Arkell Rd., Puslinch